lesson 5 X A

Project Plan – Lesson 5

The Do Phase

(5.1) Project Launch:
                Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
By creating a blog
Preparing PowerPoint presentation.

(5.2) Artifacts:
                List artifacts that will be created during the project
Project Report

(5.3) Culminating product:
                Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.
Project Report

(5.4) Celebrating completion:
                Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
Mini exhibition
Seminar and talk in morning assembly about the survey results.


lesson 3 X A

 Project Based Learning
Lesson 3
Plan Phase
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
            List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.

3.2 Role definition:
            List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project leader: Compile all the works done by the group members.
Information provider: All the students along with the teachers and parents serves as the information provider as they collect them from various sources and put in a paper or slide.
Consumer expert
Presentation author
Presenter (all students).

3.3 Task schedule:
            Note start and end dates for the project.
                Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Project start date:
Project end date
Activity “Consumer rights and duties.”

3.4 Special Activities Plan:
                List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Mini exhibition: 29/11/2016
Interview with customer care people on 20/11/2016
3.5 Resource Plan:
List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Computer and internet connection.
Library and reference books.

3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Creating a survey
Groups with specific tasks such as field trips, and interviews
Information on Consumer rights and various ways in which they are exploited.

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
                Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
At the end of every two week, a period is spent in class or outdoor to discuss progress, successes and challenges.
A progress checking session for each team will be held for 10 minutes twice per week and quick review analyzing is done after each work.

3.8 Assessment plan:
            Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.
Opportunities for accurate assessment will include: the surveys, charts, and results, spreading awareness on consumer rights.
Formative assessment will primarily focus on the artifacts and creativity of the students during the project. Special scores are given to the groups with survey prototypes, learning journals and presentation outlines.
Summative assessments will be performed on the survey results, presentations of charts and PowerPoint presentation on the Rubrics prepared.

lesson 2 class X A

Project Based Learning
Lesson 2
2.1 Essential Question:
            Put in writing the question that will engage the students
What are consumer rights and duties? And how can we reduce consumer exploit?

2.2 Grouping Strategy:
            Describe the criteria that will be used to form students’ team and how this maps to the goals of the project.
Team will comprise groups of 5 students of mixed gender, and mixed ability and skills. One of the goals is to promote teamwork in mixed ability groups so that higher ability students get opportunities for peer instruction, and lower ability students benefit from the more advanced collaboration that will arise from this.

2.3 Learning Environment:
            Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will
be required.
A group working area in the classroom will be set aside with tables and chairs to allow more effective interaction among team members. A classroom wall near the project area will be set aside to post paper materials collected during research. Computer labs will be used for the majority of the online work. Research notes will be recorded in computers/blogs. Some collaboration between students will take place through email/blog/whats’app.

2.4 Assessment Approach:
                Describe the approach for:
                2.41 Authentic Assessment:
Authentic tasks such as
1.       Packing a healthy lunchbox.
2.       Documenting a diet sheet for a week’s worth of meals, and
3.      Giving “diet advice” sessions will be performed during the project.
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback will be provided as the students work on internet and library research, surveys, diet sheets, and presentation designs.

2.43 Summative Assessment:
Assessment will be conducted on
·         Team  portfolios in blogs/emails
·         PowerPoint presentation on a balanced diet/web design

2.44 Rubrics:
Rubrics will be used to assess:

Diet sheets
Final presentations

2.45 Grading:
Project grades will be based on a combination of scores from assessments made during the project. A rubric will be used to compile grades.               

lesson 1 X A

Project Based Learning
1.     Project Plan
(1.1)The Define Phase
(1.11) Introduction:
·   Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
·   What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
·   What are students intended to learn from the project?

This project will create the following awareness among the 10th standard students.
How are consumers exploited in the market places?
Factors causing exploitation of consumers.
How a consumer should be in a market?
It will help to develop skill such as decision making and self awareness

(1.12) Project Scope:
            Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, self shills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from class 10th A
Subject it covers-social science, English and mathematics.
Students are advised to report whatever problem or difficulties they face during their survey and their shop visit

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
            List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.
Social science 10th economics 5th chapter

Consumer exploitation-causes of consumer exploitation, How are consumers exploited?
consumer rights and duties, present issues on consumer rights control measures

PBL project plan X A

Project Based Learning
1.     Project Plan
                            CONSUMER RIGHTS AND DUTIES
(1.1)The Define Phase
(1.11) Introduction:
·   Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
·   What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
·   What are students intended to learn from the project?

This project will create the following awareness among the 10th standard students.
How are consumers exploited in the market places?
Factors causing exploitation of consumers.
How a consumer should be in a market?
It will help to develop skill such as decision making and self awareness

(1.12) Project Scope:
            Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, self shills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from class 10th A
Subject it covers-social science, English and mathematics.
Students are advised to report whatever problem or difficulties they face during their survey and their shop visit

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
            List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.
Social science 10th economics 5th chapter

Consumer exploitation-causes of consumer exploitation, How are consumers exploited?
consumer rights and duties, present issues on consumer rights control measures.

The Triangular World _ PBL WRAP-UP


Name of the Teacher : USHA A P
Class : 10th

A brief report on the implementation of the  phases of PBL

The ‘what/ when/ where/ how’ of the  phases of PBL in brief

Define Phase

The purpose of the project is to develop a strong base in trigonometry and at the same time gain practical experience of using it in daily life situations such as determining the heights and distances of objects and further more to investigate the application of trigonometry in Science and technology.

Plan Phase

Created curiosity among the students through questioning. “Can you find the height of a tall tree with the help of a page of notebook?”
Divided the class to seven heterogeneous group and assign projects to each group which are as follows :
Group 1 : Find Area of a Triangle when two sides and included angle are given, Application of Trigonometry in other chapters of the textbook.
Group 2 : To prove angle of elevation is equal to angle of Depression.
Group 3 : To find the Sun’s Elevation at Constant intervals and use the concept to find the height of any tall object in the campus.
Group 4 : To find the height of any two tall objects by measuring the angle of elevation.
Group 5 : To find the height of the building by measuring the angle of elevation from two points separated by a known distance.
Group 6 : To find the height of a tall object by measuring the angle of elevation from two different heights.
Group 7 : Application of trigonometry in different fields of Science and Technology and also in our daily life.
Prepared Rubrics and parameters for Authentic assessment.   

Plan Phase

After the Launch and instruction, each group was made to perform the following Tasks
·         Research (Online and books)
·         Hands-on Activity
·         Power Point Presentation
·         Seminar
·         Exhibition
·         Blog creation

After briefing, different roles were defined
Mentor: The Teacher
Researcher:   All members
Performer of Activity:  Every Member
Recorder: The assigned member in each group.
ICT leader: The computer expert in the group.
Compiler: The Coordinator of the group.
Presenter:  The one (or a  group)who Presents the seminar
      Blogger: The ICT experts in the class.

A task schedule was charted and special activities such as Guest lecture,  Exhibition and
Blog creation was carried out.

Reviews and Need-based meetings were conducted to update project status.

Rubrics were defined and an assessment plan based on it was prepared which is as follows :
·         Hands-on activity and its report
·         Preparation of artifacts
·         Power point presentation
·         Utilization of Online resources
·         Seminar Presentation
·         Problem solving ability

Work Plan

A detailed Work plan was plotted allotting time schedules for each task/activity starting from 1.11.16 to 12.12.16 comprising the following :
·         Project Launch
·         Classroom Instructions
·         Group selection
·         Activity
·         Guest lecture
·         Record maintenance
·         Seminars and talks
·         Advice meeting
·         Project presentation
·         Assessment and grading
·         Reflection and evaluation
·         Project closure

Do Phase

The topic for project is announced in the class. An outline of the Action plan is prepared counting the suggestions from the students’ side. The main topic is divided into sub topics and distributed among the seven groups.  A detailed discussion on tasks, subtasks, performing the activity, materials to be prepared, online research, report making, completion of project etc. was carried out.
List artifacts created during the project :
1.      Clinometer
2.      Activity Report
3.      Power point   presentations
4.      Charts
5.      Project report

Review Phase

Student Reflection and Evaluation:
Discussion on the progress of the project every day during Maths period was carried out. Suggestions and modifications were done at every stage. Both Individual and Group performance were evaluated by the other groups.

Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
Evaluation of the involvement of each student and the assessment of the standard of the end-product was carried out.
The evaluation was done as per the rubrics prepared. The strategy adopted for the  execution of the project, the final Project Record, and the presentations by the students, the standard and appropriate usage of artifacts, the uploading of materials in the created blog were some of the areas assessed.
Content standards, higher order thinking skills, attitude and application level skills were also evaluated.
21st Century skills were incorporated in areas wherever possible throughout the course.

Manage Phase

The following tasks were used to manage the process of conducting the learning
·         Research on the topic (online & offline)
·         Making clinometer
·         Finding angle of elevation and depression
·         Group Presentations
·         Solving Textual problems
·         Blog
As a part of student preparation, students were made to revise the concept and understand the different parameters and their mode of application in their specific tasks. 
The different resources such as classroom, Computer Room, Maths Lab, Library and LCD room were utilized during the project. Project progress was monitored frequently and re-planning was done wherever necessary.

The reports and the photos of the activities done by the groups were compiled and uploaded on a blog Trigonophilia -   http://10bclasskvk.blogspot.in/ As the name of the Blog suggests, a mode change from Trigonophobia to Trigonophilia in the students’ attitude was observed. The group work, Peer learning, Learning through doing helped them a lot in making the concept thorough. Exposure to technology inspired them to go beyond the text and acquire additional knowledge regarding the subject. This has been a very good platform for the students to advance and develop much needed skills such as leadership qualities, peer management and team work which are needed for today’s competitive world. This scheme has provided the students to diligently do research opening a scope for “out of the box” . It has opened a new perspective about the subject for them which would have been difficult in the typical teaching methods. On the whole, this was an amazing experience that many are eagerly waiting for the next venture.

A Digital Peek
The Groups…

The Artifacts…

Groups in action…



Guest Lectures…
