PBL Lesson 2: Define phase

2.1 Essential Question:
Put in writing the question that will engage the students

 1.  What do you understand by deforestation?     
2.  Explain why there is no waste in a forest.
3. Explain the role of forest in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
4. What is afforestation?
5. List five products we get from the forest.

2.2 Grouping Strategy:
Describe the criteria that will be used to form students’ team and how this maps to the goals of the project.

A team will have 6 students of mixed gender, ability and skill sets, as well as varied religious, social and economic backgrounds. The team members will get ample opportunity for interaction with peer group as also to develop their self-confidence and ability of public speaking by giving them a chance to present their project findings in front of their class.

2.3 Learning Environment:
Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.

The team will be provided with a small working space in the Junior Science Laboratory of the school where they can have discussions. They will have access to computer and internet in the lab for their online research. A display board and a small storage too will be provided to the team. The research notes will be converted to documents that the team will maintain in the computer in the lab. Team members also will collaborate via email as is required.

2.4 Assessment Approach:
 Describe the approach for:
 2.41 Authentic Assessment:

Authentic do- able tasks that will be carried out by the team will include-
Maintaining a diet record for themselves and for a sample population from among their peer group for a time period of 10 days of their project duration.
“Peer talks” in class about  description of importance of  forest and, afforestation
3.Seminar –Human activities and deforestation.
4.Build a model forest and wild life using creativity and any material
5. Questionnaire to be filled by a sample population in class relating to the problems faced by people due to deforestation.
A survey of soil erosion  and cause of flood in their locality.
7. Interview with forest officer about need of conservation of forest and tribal life in forest.
8.Skit on conservation of forest.
9. Collage work – forest and wild life.


2.42 Formative Assessment:

Regular feedback and guidance as and when required will be provide to the students as they work with the various tools of the project – online research, surveys, diet records and  ppt  presentations, model making  also to  help them  prepare the materials for seminar.
2.43 Summative Assessment:

Assessment will be conducted based on –
1.Model making.
2. Report of the project work.
3. Power point presentation.
4. Chart preparation.
5.Collage work.
8.Interview with forest officer.

2.44 Rubrics:

Rubrics for Forest – life line project.
( To assess model-accurate, colorful, creative , evidence of effort(  30 points)
Presentation: eye contact, clear speech, equal participation (10points)
Survey interpretation, Power point presentation (20 points)
Description of importance forest (10 points)
Deforestation (10 points)
Afforestation (10points)
Extra in formations and correct date of submission (10points)

2.45 Gradings

Project grades will include the grades of assessment conducted during the project and the final project report including the power point presentation.

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