The Triangular World-Lesson 6

Lesson 6

The Review Phase

(6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
Student Reflection:
Discuss the progress of the project every day during   Maths  period. The group Coordinator will describe  the development of his  group  once in a week.  Suggestions and modifications will be done at every stages.
Both Individual and Group  performance will be evaluated by other groups.
(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
The group Coordinator will report the progress of the project to the teacher  once in a week.  Assistance, Suggestions, corrections and modifications will be given whenever needed. Evaluation of the involvement of each student   and the assessment of the standard of the end-product will be carried out.
The evaluation  can be done by as per the rubrics prepared. The strategy adopted for the  execution of the project, the final Project Record, or the presentations by the students, the standard and appropriate usage of artifacts, The uploading of materials in the created blog Are some of the areas to be assessed.
Content standards, higher order thinking skills, attitude and application level skills are also evaluated.

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
The driving force for the 21st century is the intellectual capital of citizens”
The four critical areas of 21st Century skills to be developed in this project are:
·        Collaboration and  teamwork : Ask questions and listen well to others in the group
·        Creativity and imagination : Able to think and work creatively in both digital and non digital environments to develop unique and useful solutions.
·        Critical thinking : To think analytically, which includes comparing, contrasting, evaluating, synthesizing, and applying without instruction or supervision.
·        Problem solving : Taking on the spot decisions and arriving at solutions whenever necessity arises during the course of teh Project

The other Skills that have been enhanced are
·        Flexibility and adaptability : Constantly re-plan and find alternate methods to tackle problems.
·        Global and cultural awareness : Understand the usage and application of Trigonometry in different fields across the globe. 
·        Information literacy : Understand and implement ICT to text, post, update, share, chat, and constantly co-create in technological environments with each other
·        Leadership : Take up challenges and manage a group tasks.  
·        Oral and written communication skills : Presentations, oral and written reporting
·        Social responsibility and ethics:  adaptability,  personal accountability, tolerance, and global awareness.

(6.4) Summative Assessment and Grading:

ü  Active participation 3
ü  Individual contribution 2
ü  Viva 3
ü  Team work 2

9 – 10 : A

ü  Relevance 3
ü  Originality    2
ü  Presentation 3
ü  Finishing-2

7 – 8 : B

ü   Content Relevance 3 
ü  Creativity 2
ü   Originality    2
ü  Understanding of concept 3

5 – 6 : C

ü  Understanding of concept 3
ü  Content Relevance 3
ü  Logical and rational thinking 2
ü  Presentation 2

3 – 4 : D

ü  Application  3
ü  Content Knowledge 3
ü  Accuracy  2
ü  Computation 2
1 – 2 : E

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