The Triangular World . lesson 1 - Project Plan

There is perhaps nothing which so occupies the middle position of mathematics as Trigonometry
– J.F. Herbart (1890)

Lesson 1

The Define Phase

1.11 Introduction:   

Trigonometry is the study of relationships between the sides and angles of triangle. The word ‘trigonometry’ is derived from the Greek words ‘tri’ ((three),‘gon’ (sides) and ‘metron’ ( measure).
         Purpose of the project:
·        To develop a strong base in  trigonometry through a number of activities and lessons.
·        To gain practical experience of  using trigonometry in daily life situations
·        To determine the height of buildings, mountains, trees and other very tall or distant   objects
       Key challenges the project is aiming to address :
·        How did ancient astronomers determined the distances of the stars and planets from the Earth ? 
·        How trigonometry is used for finding the heights and distances of various objects, without actually measuring them ?
·        How trigonometric concepts are used in daily life ?
·        Investigate the application of trigonometry  in Science and technology
        Intended Learning Outcome:
          After the project students should be able to  :-
·        Find the area of a triangle when two sides and included angle are given.
·        Find the elevation of sun at a particular time.
·        Use right triangle trigonometry and angle measurements to calculate heights and distances.
·        Workout the curriculum based problems and textual questions on their own. Develop a strong base on the concept of trigonometry.
·        Gain practical experience of using trigonometry in daily life situations.
·        Understand application of  trigonometry in Science and technology.
(1.12) Project Scope:
Class: X B
  Subject :  Mathematics  , Science, Social Science, English , Information technology.
           Self Skills:
         1.      Collection and Compilation of Data .
         2.      Computational skill.
         3.      Research and Problem solving ability.
         4.      Working in a Peer Group.
         5.      Drawing Inference from the observations.
         6.      Using Technology.

   Factors affecting Scope:

·        Availability of resources like  related materials / books in the library
·        Access to Internet Connection
·        Time-factor.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

Curriculum: The NCERT syllabus prescribed by CBSE for class X

The topics and standards related to this project are :

·        The trigonometric ratios
·        Line of sight
·        Angle of elevation and angle of depression
·        How to make and use a Clinometer.
·        Find the heights of tall objects in the school campus
·        Application of trigonometry in finding heights and distances
·        Applications of trigonometry in navigation, astronomy, aviation and naval industries, land survey, oceanography and cartography (creation of maps) Electronics, Statistics, Engineering, Computer graphics

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