There is perhaps nothing which so occupies the
middle position of mathematics as Trigonometry
– J.F. Herbart (1890)
– J.F. Herbart (1890)
Lesson 1
The Define Phase
Trigonometry is the study
of relationships between the sides and angles of triangle. The word
‘trigonometry’ is derived from the Greek words ‘tri’ ((three),‘gon’ (sides) and
‘metron’ ( measure).
Purpose of the
To develop a strong base in trigonometry
through a number of activities and lessons.
To gain practical experience of using trigonometry
in daily life situations
To determine the height of buildings, mountains,
trees and other very tall or distant objects
Key challenges the
project is aiming to address :
How did ancient astronomers determined the
distances of the stars and planets from the Earth ?
How trigonometry is used for finding the heights
and distances of various objects, without actually measuring them ?
How trigonometric concepts are used in daily life ?
Investigate the application of trigonometry
in Science and technology
Learning Outcome:
After the
project students should be able to :-
Find the area of a triangle when two sides and
included angle are given.
Find the elevation of sun at a particular time.
Use right triangle trigonometry and angle
measurements to calculate heights and distances.
Workout the curriculum based problems and textual
questions on their own. Develop a strong base on the concept of trigonometry.
Gain practical experience of using trigonometry in
daily life situations.
Understand application of trigonometry in
Science and technology.
Project Scope:
Class: X B
Subject : Mathematics , Science, Social
Science, English , Information technology.
1. Collection and Compilation of Data .
2. Computational skill.
3. Research and Problem solving ability.
4. Working in a Peer Group.
5. Drawing Inference from the
6. Using Technology.
Factors affecting Scope:
Availability of resources like related
materials / books in the library
Access to Internet Connection
Curriculum and Standards:
The NCERT syllabus prescribed by CBSE for class X
topics and standards related to this project are :
The trigonometric ratios
Line of sight
Angle of elevation and angle of depression
How to make and use a Clinometer.
Find the heights of tall objects in the school
Application of trigonometry in finding heights and
Applications of trigonometry in navigation, astronomy,
aviation and naval industries, land survey, oceanography and cartography
(creation of maps) Electronics, Statistics, Engineering,
Computer graphics