Project Based Learning

  TOPIC:           INTEGERS
 CLASS:             VIB
Maths is numbers. Numbers are Integers. Real life situations can be calculated in integer value as well.
Every minute dies a man, Every minute one is born. Positive and negative things happen in the world, still God never ends anything on a negative , God always ends on a positive.

1.Project Plan 

  • The overall purpose of the project

  1. In real life, Integers are used different field like sports, and people utilize banks to deposit or withdraw cash, Read a temperature below zero, calculate a loss or gain in stocks or look at posted speed limits. .It is easy to recognize numbers in the real world. It is relatively easy to see how positive integers affect the world; In general negative integers represent decreasing and downward movement. so students need a positive approach to learn negative integers.

  • What is the key challenge/ problem the project is aiming to address
  1.           If a quantity may have either of two opposite senses, then one may choose to distinguish        between those senses- perhaps arbitrarily-as positive and negative. The laws of Arithmetic      for negative numbers ensure that the common sense idea of an opposite is reflected in  arithmetic. For example –( -3)= 3 because the opposite of an opposite is the original thing.
  • What are students intended to learn from the project

          Maths is numbers. Numbers are Integers. Real life situations can be calculated in integer value as well. Integer value is either positive or negative for real life situations. Positive numbers show the goodness, happiness, togetherness and well-being whereas negative numbers show dullness, sadness and low feeling etc

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