Group Members:  Adarsh PV, Anagha A,  Arjun A, Nandana R, Aditya R

In ancient times, people considered fire one of the basic elements of the universe, along with water, air, and earth. Fire can be a friendly, comforting thing, a source of heat and light, Yet fire can also be dangerous and deadly, racing and leaping like a living thing to consume all in its path. In mythology, fire appears both as a creative, cleansing force and as a destructive, punishing one, although positive aspects of fire generally outweigh negative ones.

People in all parts of the world tell myths and legends about fire. Numerous stories explain how people first acquired fire, either through their own daring or as a gift from an animal, god, or hero.


The ability to make and control fire—which is necessary for cooking, making pottery and glass, and metalworking—sets people apart from the animals. The ADMIRALTY ISLANDERS of the Pacific Ocean have a myth in which a snake asks his human children to cook some fish. The children simply heat the fish in the sun and eat it raw, so the snake gives them fire and teaches them to use it to cook their food. The bringers of fire are legendary heroes in many traditions.


          SUN                                           HEARTH                                               PHOENIX

 Because fire warms and gives off light like the sun, it often represents the sun or a sun god in mythology. In some tales, it is linked with the idea of the hearth, the center of a household. Fire can also be a symbol of new life, as in the case of the phoenix, the mythical  bird that is periodically destroyed by flames to rise reborn from its own ashes.

 In many cultures, people practice rituals related to fire. These rituals are often based on myths and legends about fire or fire gods.


In ancient Rome, a sacred flame associated with the goddess Vesta represented national well-being. Women called the Vestal Virgins had the holy duty of keeping that flame alive.


The Aztecs of ancient Mexico believed that the fire god Huehueteotl kept earth and heaven in place. At the end of each cycle of 52 years, they extinguished all fires, and Huehueteotl's priests lit a new flame for the people to use. 


In northern Europe, which has long, dark, cold winters, fire was especially honored. Pagan fire festivals such as lighting bonfires on May 1 have continued into modern times in European communities.


Apocalypse predicts a sudden and violent end of the world. Fire's energy is not always a good thing. Flames can bring punishment and suffering, as in the Christian image of hell as a place of fiery torment. Some myths of apocalypse predict that the world will end in fire—but it may be a purifying, cleansing fire that will allow the birth of a fresh new world.

Names of some fire Gods in Mythology

Name of Fire God
Hindu mythology

Greek mythology


Roman mythology


Egyptian mythology


                    AGNI                          HEPHAESTUS          VULCAN                     RA

Hindu Mythology

Agni, the god of fire in Hindu mythology, represents the essential energy of life in the universe. He consumes things, but only so that other things can live. Fiery horses pull Agni's chariot, and he carries a flaming spear. Agni created the sun and the stars, and his powers are great. He can make worshipers immortal and purify the souls of the dead from sin. One ancient myth about Agni says that he consumed so many offerings from his worshipers that he was tired. To regain his strength, he had to burn an entire forest with all its inhabitants.

Chinese Mythology 

It includes stories of Hui Lu, a magician and fire god who kept 100 firebirds in a gourd. By setting them loose, he could start a fire across the whole country.

There was also a hierarchy of gods in charge of fire. At its head was Lo Hsüan, whose cloak, hair, and beard were red. Flames spurted from his horse's nostrils. He was not unconquerable, however. Once when he attacked a city with swords of fire, a princess appeared in the sky and quenched his flames with her cloak of mist and dew.

The Story of how Prometheus Gave Fire to Men (Greek Mythology)

Many years ago, according to the stories told by the people of ancient Greece, there lived two brothers who  were the sons of one of the Titans who had fought against Zeus and had been sent in chains to the prison of the Lower World. The name of the elder of these brothers was Prometheus (which means Forethought).The younger was called Epimetheus (which means Afterthought).  

Prometheus did not want to live amongst the clouds on Mount Olympus.  He was too busy for that.  While the gods were spending their time in idleness, he was planning how to make the world wiser and better than it had ever been before. So instead of living on Olympus, Prometheus went out amongst men to live with them and help them and he quickly noticed that they were no longer happy.   He found them living in caves and in holes of the earth, shivering with the cold because there was no fire, dying of starvation, hunted by wild beasts and by one another—the most miserable of all living creatures.

"If they only had fire," said Prometheus to himself, "they could at least warm themselves and cook their food; and after a while they could learn to make tools and build themselves houses.  Without fire, they are worse off than the beasts."Prometheus went boldly to Zeus and begged him to give fire to the people, so that so they might have a little comfort through the long, dreary months of winter."I will not!" said Zeus, "Not one spark will I share with them!  For if men had fire they might become strong and wise like us, and after a while they would drive us out of our kingdom.  Besides, fire is a dangerous tool and they are too poor and ignorant to be trusted with it.  It is better that we on Mount Olympus rule the world without threat so all can be happy."

Prometheus didn't answer, but he had set his heart on helping mankind, and he did not give up.  As he was walking by the seashore he found a tall stalk of fennel.  He broke it off and then saw that its hollow center was filled with a dry, soft substance which would burn slowly and stay alight for a long time.  He carried the stalk with him as he began a long journey to the top of Mount Olympus."Mankind shall have fire, despite what Zeus has decided," he said to himself.  And with that thought, he sneaked quietly into Zeus' domain and stole a spark from Zeus' own lightning bolt.  Prometheus touched the end of the long reed to the spark, and the dry substance within it caught on fire and burned slowly.  Prometheus hurried back to his own land, carrying with him the precious spark hidden in the hollow center of the plant. 

When he reached home, he called some of the shivering people from their caves and built a fire for them, and showed them how to warm themselves by it and use it to cook their food.  Men and women gathered round the fire and were warm and happy, and thankful to Prometheus for the wonderful gift which he had brought to them. One chilly winter evening, Zeus gazed down from Mount Olympus and noticed fires burning cheerfully at the hearths of men and women in every village across the land.  It did not take him long to realize that Prometheus had disobeyed him and given fire to men. Zeus was very angry and ordered that Prometheus be chained to the side of a mountain to suffer there for all eternity.

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