Project Plan - Lesson 6

The Review Phase

(6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
                Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
Student will present in front of the class-the methodology adopted, challenges faced-facts learned-skills developed-enjoyment of team work-self decisions made-critical analysis- visits and experiences gained- enjoyment .

(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
                Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
§     Success, challenges, understanding children, building, establishing flexible learning environments, creating contexts for learning, exploring what children learn. Teachers in a preparatory year setting

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
            List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment
§     Research Report: ICT, analysis, correlation , selection of  facts.
§     Survey design: creativity, critical thinking, problem solving
           Model making  : Team work coordination, ICT
§     Photographs: Skill to handle camera- cinematography
§     Charts : Drawing and painting skills. Creativity.
§     PPT -Presentation: ICT , creativity, team coordination, leadership, analysis, conclusion.

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